
This section introduces our webhook system, which allows for real-time data transmission between our Payroll API and your application or service. Learn how to set up, manage, and troubleshoot your webhooks for optimal synchronization.

Webhook Configuration: subscribeWebhook

For configuring the webhook, utilize the endpoint subscribeWebhook.

Example Request Structure:

  1. method

    • Method type for the webhook. For this use case: subscribeWebhook.
  2. url

    • The callback URL for the webhook. Example: https://example.com/payroll-webhooks.

Webhook Response Examples

1. Onboarding and Process Responses:

    "onboarding": {
        "type": "company",
        "Id": "8A9B7683-8E02-494D-8422-963FD05EE785",
        "processStep": "KYB Verification",
        "nextProcessStep": "Link Bank Account",
        "state": "Successful",
        "message": "KYB Verfication was Successful",
        "eventTimeStamp": "2023-09-14T22:00:00.000Z"

    "process": {
        "type": "payroll",
        "id": "8A9B7683-8E02-494D-8422-963FD05EE785",    
        "state": "Successful",
        "message": "Payroll was Successful for the Pay Period",
        "eventTimeStamp": "2023-09-14T22:00:00.000Z"